super da se upecao, ali mislim da on nas sada vuče na Interconti... :)
da li ga možemo tražiti da nam pošalje datume prije nego što mu se obvežemo za jedan hotel u Budimpešti za većinu datuma kako on traži.
jer na ovaj način je to prevelik rizik, jer mi u budžetu imamo 32€ per person in twin. :)
Intercontinental ima cijene i od 100€ per person
također nisam sigurna kako da pristupim pregovorima sa Intercontijem, jer smo im često već bukirali hotel i onda im samo otkažemo sve, a ni oni nisu mogli sve datume potvrđivati, nego samo dijelove serijala.
ne mogu im reći da preuzimam taj posao od Mikija, mislim da bi im samo poslala datume i rekla da im garantiram 800pax ako potvrde budžet :)
ostalo ćemo provjeriti.
great to be caught, but I think he now pulls the Intercontinental ... :)
whether it can ask to send us the dates before him commit a hotel in Budapest for most dates as he wants.
because in this way it is too great a risk, because we have budgeted € 32 per person in a twin. :)
Intercontinental has a price of € 100 per person are also not sure how to approach the negotiations with Intercontijem, because they're often already booked a hotel and then they just call the whole thing, but even they could not confirm the dates, but only parts of the series. not I can tell them to take the job of Mickey, I think they just sent dates and said that they guarantee 800pax if confirmation budget :) else we checked.