Županija: Grad Zagreb
Grad/Općina: Podsljeme
Naselje: Mlinovi
Tip stana: u stambenoj zgradi
Broj etaža: jednoetažni
Broj soba: 2-2.5 sobni
Kat: Prizemlje
Stambena površina: 38,00
Površina vrta: 20,00
Površina terase: 30,00
Godina izgradnje: 2006
Godina zadnje adaptacije: 2013
Novogradnja: Da
Dostupno od: 1.8.2015.
Režije: posebno
Namještenost: potpuna
Iznos mjesečnog najma: 220 €
Orijentacija: istok
Blizina busa: Da
Blizina tramvaja: Da
Ulaz: poseban
Broj parkirnih mjesta: 2
2 sobni 2 mala stana Mlinovi broj 36, Mihaljevac blizu,prizemlje +terasa vrt,jedan od stanova ima i bazenčić, roštilj 220€, namješten, centralno plin, parking, blizu tramvaj, centralno, i roštilj plin, adsl-flet
, , bus, tram blizu, škola vrtić 220Eura+r/mj
Etažno plinsko centralno
Gradski plin
Gradski vodovod
Gradska kanalizacija
Vlasnički list
Građevinska dozvola
Uporabna dozvola
County: Zagreb
City / Municipality: Podsljeme
Neighborhood: Mills
Flat type: in the building
Number of floors: One
Rooms: 2-2.5
Floor: Ground floor
Living area: 38.00
Garden area: 20.00
Terrace: 30.00
Year Built: 2006
Last adaptation: 2013
New: Yes
Available from: 08/01/2015.
Utility bills: particularly
Furniture: full
amount of monthly rent: 220 €
Orientation: East
Close to bus stop: Yes
Tram: Yes
Input: special
Number of parking spaces: 2
Read more:
2 bedroom 2 small apartments Mills No. 36, Mihaljevac close, ground garden terrace, one of the apartments has a pool, barbecue € 220, furnished, central gas, parking, close to the tram, central, and barbecue gas, DSL-flat
, , bus, tram close, nursery schools 220Eura + r / month Heating: Gas central Utilities: City Gas City water city sewage Permits: Certificate of Title Building permit Usage permit Garden: Barbecue Technique: ADSL