Može puno boljeIspada da je momčad poslije Svjetskog prvenstva u Brazi翻訳 - Može puno boljeIspada da je momčad poslije Svjetskog prvenstva u Brazi英語言う方法

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Može puno bolje
Ispada da je momčad poslije Svjetskog prvenstva u Brazilu najzrelije odigrala utakmice s Argentinom i Italijom koje nije pobijedila?
– Istina, iako nije popularno kazati da smo odigrali dobro ako nismo pobijedili. Uostalom, nitko ne želi gubiti. Međutim, ako već gubiš utakmicu ili odigraš neriješeno, onda je najbitniji način na koji si ostvario te rezultate. Mi smo na objema spomenutim utakmicama pokazali kvalitetnu igru, u taktičkom i tehničkom smislu. Naravno da to može još puno bolje, ne tome ćemo i raditi.

U kojoj je mjeri utakmica s Italijom na tragu onoga što želite od igre vaše momčadi?
– Ta igra jest na tragu onoga kako bih ja želio da Hrvatska stalno igra. Međutim, ovako ću najprije reći. Ja kao izbornik mogu imati ideju, ali ona pada u vodu ako nemam igrače koji je, taktički, tehnički i trkački, mogu spovesti u djelo. Da bi Hrvatska igrala onako kako ja želim, a to je način na koji se igra moderan nogomet, onda naši igrači moraju biti apsolutno fizički spremni. U tom smislu se poslije Brazila dogodio evidentan napredak. Momci su shvatili da moraju dodatno raditi u svojim klubovima i to oni i rade. Naposlijetku, to se i vidi na terenu. Znate, Hrvatska je oduvijek igrala lijep nogomet, bila ustrajna u posjedu lopte, umarala je protivnike da bi ih onda izigrala… Međutim, bit današnjega nogometa je u transformaciji. Ona momčad koja se može što prije prešaltati iz obrane u napad i obrnuto, u današnje vrijeme kreira više prilika, nameće se igrom i ima veći posjed lopte. I još nešto, sve velike momčadi pokušavaju poslije izgubljene lopte što prije visoko pritisnuti protivnika i opet osvojiti loptu. To je ono što ja želim i od Hrvatske. To ćemo automatizirati kroz vježbe i treninge, a to se može samo ako igrači imaju snage. Ako imaš dva ista automobila, s istom kubikažom i brojem konja, onda je samo pitanje tko u spremniku ima više goriva. Dakle, ja sam još kao izbornik mlade reprezentacije ustanovio da Hrvatska ima sve, ali nema igrače koji mogu na istoj razini odigrati svih devedeset minuta.

Želite reći da bi Hrvatska sa San Sira u Brazilu ostvarila puno bolji dojam?
– Možemo to tako reći. Dobro, moramo reći da je na naše izvedbe u Brazilu u velikoj mjeri utjecala i klima. U onakvim uvjetima teško je bilo očekivati od jednog Luke Modrića, koji je prije Brazila odigrao šezdesetak utakmica, da na svjetskom prvenstvu bude svjež. Nažalost, njegova ozljeda je posljedica zamora materijala, ja sam i pretpostavio da se to može dogoditi. Molio sam Boga da se to ne dogodi, ali… Igrao sam i ja nogomet, svi misle da kad igraš u »Realu«, možeš igrati na 60 posto. E, to baš nije tako. Luka je u svakoj utakmici za »Real« davao sto posto svojih mogućnosti, drukčije ne možeš igrati na tako visokoj razini. Vratimo se na Brazil, naši su momci tamo pokazali puno dobrih stvari, ali ostajem pri tome da zadnjih pola sata protiv Meksika nismo bili na očekivanoj razini. Međutim, moramo biti realni, koliko je god to teško u našoj Hrvatskoj, i prihvatiti činjenicu da smo igrali protiv kvalitetnih protivnika. S druge strane, naravno da smo uočili neke stvari koje nisu bile dobre i reagirali. Pomladili smo momčad, dali priliku igračima koje sam vodio u mladoj reprezentaciji, a koji zavređuju biti dio naše najjače reprezentacije. Naš problem katkad zna biti da ne vjerujemo mladima, igračima, trenerima, novinarima… Mislim da je to pogrešno.
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
It can much better
turns out that the team after the World Cup in Brazil most mature appearance with Argentina and Italy, which did not win?
- The truth, though not popular to say that we played well if we did not win. After all, no one wants to lose. However, if you lose a match or play your draw, then the most important way in which you achieve these results. We are on both the mentioned matches show quality game, the tactical and technical terms. Of course it can be much better, not how we will work. To what extent match with Italy in the wake of what you want from the game of your team? - This game is along the lines of how I wanted to Croatia constantly plays. However, this way I will first say. I like menu can have an idea, but it falls apart if you do not have players who, tactical, technical and racing, may spovesti into action. For Croatia to play the way I want, and that's the way we play modern football, then our players have to be absolutely physically ready. In this sense, after Brazil took an obvious improvement. The boys realized that they need to work more with their clubs and that they are working. Finally, it is also seen in the field. You know, Croatia has always played nice football, persisted in possession, is tiring opponents to get them then played you ... But will today's football is in transformation. She team which can be as soon as possible prešaltati from defense to attack and vice versa, at the present time creates more opportunities, there is a game and has a higher ball possession. And another thing, all the big teams try after turnovers as high before pressing opponents and win back the ball. This is what I want and from Croatian. It will automate through exercises and training, and this can be only if players have the power. If you have two of the same car, with the same displacement and the number of horses, then it is just a matter of who has more in the tank of fuel. So, I'm still a young team menu found that Croatia has it all, but no players who can play at the same level all ninety minutes. You mean to Croatia from the San Siro in Brazil made ​​a much better impression? - We can say that. Well, we must say that our performance in Brazil is largely influenced by the climate. In the sort conditions it was difficult to expect from one of Luka Modric, who before Brazil played sixty games to the World Cup to be cool. Unfortunately, his injury was a result of fatigue, I had assumed that this can happen. I prayed to God that this does not happen, but ... I played and I football, everyone thinks that when you play in the "Real", you can play at 60 percent. Well, that just is not so. The port is in every game for the "Real" gave one hundred percent of their opportunities, otherwise you can not play at such a high level. Let's go back to Brazil, our guys there showed a lot of good things, but maintain that the last half an hour against Mexico we were not up to scratch. However, we must be realistic, as far as hard in our Croatia, and accept the fact that we played against quality opponents. On the other hand, of course we noticed some things that were not good and react. We rejuvenated team, a chance players that I ran into a young team, and who deserve to be part of our strongest team. Our problem sometimes can be that we do not believe young people, players, coaches, journalists ... I think that's wrong.

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