Teško je ovdje biti dosta objektivan, ali pokušat ću. Nisam nasjeo na euforiju koja je bila nakon Islanda, nisam pao u depresiju nakon Svjetskog prvenstva. Neću ni sada biti previše euforičan što se tiče ovih naših kvalifikacija. Kritike su poželjne, bile one pozitivne ili negativne, ali način kako se priča, kako se kritizira, to moramo dignuti na viši nivo. Da mi je netko prije kvalifikacija ponudio 10 bodova u ovoj fazi, ja bih bio presretan. Međutim, i nakon utakmice sam bio sretan, ali uzevši u obzir način na koji su je momci odigrali, sigurno smo mogli očekivati tri boda. Međutim, bilo je kako je bilo, desio se onaj prekid i tu smo malo izgubili konac.
It is difficult to be quite fair, but I'll try. I did not buy the euphoria that was after Iceland, I fell into a depression after the World Cup. I will not now be too euphoric when it comes to these our qualifications. The criticism is desirable, be they positive or negative, but the way it is said, to be criticized, we have to raise to a higher level. If somebody before qualifications offered 10 points at this stage, I would be overjoyed. However, after the match and I was happy, but considering the way the guys played, surely we could expect three points. However, it was what it was, there was one interruption and we lost a bit of thread.