National Park "Sutjeska"
+387 58233-102, 220-190, Fax: 233-114, 220-191
E-mail: Dear Pleasure We would like to present the tourist offer of the National Park "Sutjeska" for the tourist season in 2015. The National Park "Sutjeska" is the oldest and largest national park in Bosnia and Herzegovina since its establishment in 1962, engaged in tourism. Scientific and educational tourism, sports and recreation, health, historical-cultural and eco-tourism are the most important forms of tourism which the Park offers. "Sutjeska" for its natural resources and beauty of the pearl of the Republic of Serbian and Bosnia and Herzegovina. It covers an area of Sutjeska with strict reservation of Perucica, parts of Maglic Mountain (2386 m - the highest peak in BiH), Volujak, Vučeva and Zelengora. Thanks to extraordinary natural resources and their preservation NP "Sutjeska" from 2000 listed in Category II of IUCN (UN Department for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources). NP "Sutjeska" the most diverse complex ecosystems on the territory of BiH and one of the the most diverse in the region of Southeast Europe. The whole area of the park is characterized by exceptional beauty and diversity of landscape forms - from mild valleys woods, mountain meadows to the high mountain ranges. On Zelengora there are eight glacial lakes "mountain eyes", and what also characterized this area are deep canyons of Sutjeska, Hrčavka and apple cider, clear mountain rivers rich with rainbow trout. It is very valuable and rich collection of wildlife and rare plant species, many of which are endemic. In the heart of the Park there is a strict nature reserve Perućica (1434 ha), the best preserved and the largest forest in Europe, where since 1952 strictly prohibited any intervention of man. In the area of the National Park "Sutjeska" There are also numerous monuments older and recent history. In the early 70s Tjentište - Valley hero becomes one of the largest memorial dedicated to fighting in World War II. Battle of Sutjeska took place in 1943 on the territory of the National Park "Sutjeska" which killed 7356 soldiers. In the area of Tjentiste built a memorial to the Battle of Sutjeska. This cultural heritage is of great importance for the Republic of Serbian consists of more content: - a central monument to the Battle of Sutjeska where are the ossuary and a small amphitheater - memorial house Sutjeska Battle - individual locations where there are memorials older history in the National Park in connection with the found cultural layers and historical heritage. Period Middle Ages characterized by fortifications, ruins and necropolis. From this year, the National Park "Sutjeska" offers visitors and religious tourism. In the immediate vicinity of the Park, 8 km from Tjentište and 25 km from Foca, a small village Popi is the Church of the Holy Virgin built in the early eighteenth century. Such is that it can light a candle and several of the faithful to pray to God. There is a legend about the church, which is interesting for every tourist and believers. Accommodation capacity: In fact, we are extremely pleased that we point out that we have for the tourist season 2015, are able to offer