Violončelist svjetskog glasa Stjepan Hauser govori o svojoj vezi s pjevačicom Jelenom Rozgom, što su protekli tjedan potvrdili samo za Story, a osvrnuo se i na glasine da je njihova veza samo medijski trik
Premda su koncerti 2 Cellosa za nadolazeću turneju po Južnoj Americi već rasprodani, a i nove pjesme daleko su došle s pripremom, Stjepan Hauser posljednjih dana puni medijske stupce zbog veze sa splitskom pjevačicom Jelenom Rozgom, koju su upravo prošli tjedan potvrdili ekskluzivno za Story. Nakon njihova priznanja da su sretni zajedno te zaljubljeni kao nikada do sada, uslijedila su samo dodatna pitanja poput onih gdje su se upoznali, žive li već zajedno te kako će izgledati njihov suživot dok im traju glazbene turneje. Premda Stjepan i Jelena nastoje držati svoj privatni život podalje medija, u opuštenom razgovoru prošlog utorka, svirajući gitaru u studiu Morris, gdje nastaju neki od najvećih hitova, Stjepan nam je povjerio koliko mu Jelena znači te što ju čini posebnom.
The world-famous cellist Stjepan Hauser speaks of his relationship with the singer Jelena Rozga, as last week confirmed for Story, and commented on the rumors that their relationship was just a media trick Although concerts 2 cellos for the upcoming tour of South America have already sold out, and new songs came away with preparation, Stjepan Hauser last days full media columns because the connection with the Split singer Jelena Rozga, that just last week confirmed exclusively for Story. After their recognition that they are happy together and in love as ever, was followed by a supplementary questions such as where they met, but they live together and how to look their coexistence until their last musical tour. Although Stephen and Elena trying to keep his private life out of the media, in a relaxed conversation last Tuesday, playing guitar in the studio Morris, where she created some of the biggest hits, Stephen has entrusted him as Jelena means and what makes it special.