Dear MidoriNow I know more about you than 3-4 days ago. First night I 翻訳 - Dear MidoriNow I know more about you than 3-4 days ago. First night I 日本語言う方法

Dear MidoriNow I know more about yo

Dear Midori
Now I know more about you than 3-4 days ago. First night I saw you on the hotel terras I saw you as nice girl, than for a while I found out that you are agreat person, finally I know that you are honest what is most important for me. Your life is your life so you live and enjoy as you want. Thank you for 2 last e- mail. I understood your style of life,( mother worry but!) I would guide (accompany) you when you come in Croatia. I dream about that but there is many questions. How? Where? When ? How many days?
We will work on that.
What about my holidays?
We work in summer a lot. In a week I should work 38 hours, but sometimes we work 50-60 hours so that diferent thay give us in winter when we are not so busy. It means I have my 30 days of holidays whitout satardy and sanday plus overtime hours. Usualy it is about 70 days all togheder(you shoud come work in Croatia.
What I do? About 15-20 days(depend wether) I help my brother to pick up oranges tangerinas. Than we have a trip as company (we pay 50%) somewhere inCratia and a rest I stay at home work something around hous, smal garden, talk and walk whit my friends. For a weekend go whit familly one day excursion around Dubrovnik.
Midori what else should I write you? Should I learn some japanes words or would you like to learn so e crotian words? Probably you go to sleep so pljubac za laku noc is coming.What do you dream about me? Sweet dreams. Tihomir
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結果 (日本語) 1: [コピー]
Dear Midori
Now I know more about you than 3-4 days ago. First night I saw you on the hotel terras I saw you as nice girl, than for a while I found out that you are agreat person, finally I know that you are honest what is most important for me. Your life is your life so you live and enjoy as you want. Thank you for 2 last e- mail. I understood your style of life,( mother worry but!) I would guide (accompany) you when you come in Croatia. I dream about that but there is many questions. How? Where? When ? How many days?
We will work on that.
What about my holidays?
We work in summer a lot. In a week I should work 38 hours, but sometimes we work 50-60 hours so that diferent thay give us in winter when we are not so busy. It means I have my 30 days of holidays whitout satardy and sanday plus overtime hours. Usualy it is about 70 days all togheder(you shoud come work in Croatia.
What I do? About 15-20 days(depend wether) I help my brother to pick up oranges tangerinas. Than we have a trip as company (we pay 50%) somewhere inCratia and a rest I stay at home work something around hous, smal garden, talk and walk whit my friends. For a weekend go whit familly one day excursion around Dubrovnik.
Midori what else should I write you? Should I learn some japanes words or would you like to learn so e crotian words? Probably you go to sleep so pljubac za laku noc is coming.What do you dream about me? Sweet dreams. Tihomir
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